Hi! My name is Logan. I was born in May 2017 and am a Golden Retriever. I live with my Golden Retriever sister, Ruby, and our adopted Cocker Spaniel brother, Oliver (oh, and our humans who feed us, open the door for us (constantly), try to keep us out of mischief and love us!
My human Mom says I’ve never met a person, animal, or ball that I don’t like! I’m very chill, never bark (ever), smile a lot and am playful, gentle, and loving. Children and babies are my favorite humans!! I love rolling in the grass, wrestling with my sister, and playing with balls of all shapes and sizes! I’m not bothered by loud noises, commotion or even thunderstorms. I am a Certified Alliance of Therapy dog, an AKC Canine Good Citizen, and a Certified Courthouse Dog. I am especially proud to be a therapy dog with CAREing Paws where I visit hospitals, nursing homes, schools, colleges, and libraries as well as many other community events. I can’t wait to meet you!! |